Included covers and assistance
Ti sei finalmente deciso a prenotare il tuo Soggiorno con Assicurazione Viaggio Inclusa? Vuoi capirne di più sulle Coperture Assicurative Incluse nella tua Prenotazione BeSafe Rate?
In questa sezione abbiamo raccolto le domande frequenti che ci vengono poste dagli ospiti circa l’assistenza e le coperture incluse in BeSafe Rate. Naviga le FAQ di riferimento e chiarisci i tuoi dubbi.
A questo link puoi scaricare direttamente il Fascicolo Assicurativo.
Included covers and assistance
Who is included in the insurance cover?
The insurance coverage included in BeSafe Rate stays covers all participants in the stay whose names have been provided. Names of partecipants are requested electronically using the contacts provided during the reservation process.
How do I get assistance during my stay?
For more details on assistance during your stay, please read the Insurance Policy provided in the rate description at the time of booking and emailed to you by BeSafe.
What cover is included in my reservation?
You will benefit from assistance during your stay (e.g. medical, roadside assistance), cover (e.g. on luggage, medication) and a money-back guarantee on the prepaid amount in case of unforeseen events. To see all the covers included in BeSafe Rate, please read the full Insurance Policy.
Important note: coverages may vary depending on the type of BeSafe Rate activated by the single property. Please check the insurance coverages included in the rate description on your hotel’s website.
Are pets covered by the insurance included in BeSafe Rate?
The insurance included in BeSafe Rate covers the participants in the stay whose names have been provided. Pets are not included in the insurance coverage.Gli animali domestici non sono inclusi nelle coperture assicurative.