Sales Revolution: Markets change, Skills change - BeSafe Group

Sales Revolution: Markets change, Skills change

Elisa Onofri speaks with Mylia_, the training partner for the corporate training project launched at the beginning of 2024.

What are the main challenges BeSafe Group is facing in Sales & Marketing?

BeSafe Group is an insurtech company that designs and develops products for tourism operators and their guests.

The main challenges we face are characterized by market volatility: from the pandemic period to the challenges related to climate change, from new economic-financial scenarios to international geopolitical instability, which has caused and continues to provoke a state of continuous uncertainty. BeSafe Group must effectively manage this ongoing process of change, adapting its products to the evolving needs and requirements, aiming to guarantee the final customer the ability to organize their trip in complete safety and peace of mind, while being a valuable ally in the revenue strategy for the involved tourism operators. The Sales, Marketing, Operations, and Insurance teams must therefore initiate a process of continuous adaptation, active listening, and enduring empathy to adopt every effective communication technique that can support the sector in the face of any changing market and traveler needs, presenting the most suitable package to meet the current demands.

What are the main intercultural challenges today in Communication?

BeSafe Group is now well-known in the Italian market and has been developing for years in the Spanish, Portuguese, Greek, Oriental, South American, and Oceanian markets. The challenge for the Sales, Marketing, Operations, and Insurance teams is to approach each target market differently, adapting their communication skills to a cultural approach that varies from market to market. Thus, it is necessary to identify the target market, recognize the customer’s needs, and adapt the business strategy accordingly. In this scenario, the Sales Team certainly faces the most challenging goals, dealing with very different interlocutors, especially culturally, but who are united by a single need: to guarantee safe travel for their guests while securing their earnings. Therefore, it is necessary to leverage this common need by approaching the interlocutor in a personalized way.

What are the main goals you have set and what is the architecture of “BeSafe Sales Academy”?

In this market context, the need to create the “BeSafe Sales Academy” training project arose. The main goals we have set are:

• Greater knowledge of the target audience

• Adapting the team’s skills to the changing market needs

• Building the product by precisely recognizing the final customer’s desires.

To do this, analytical, communication, and empathetic skills become fundamental to preliminarily identify the needs of both the hotelier and the traveler. Customer focus thus becomes essential. As Simon Sinek stated: “every organization or person knows what they do, many know how they do it, but very few know why they do what they do. There is the idea that people do not ‘buy’ what a person/company does, but ‘buy the reason’ why the company does that thing.” In this sense, it becomes essential for the team to identify their personal mission, together with the company’s mission, aiming to highlight the values that represent them and identify our company through the products that, in turn, will manage to position themselves competitively in the market.

In building the relationship with the customer, it becomes crucial to share ideas, values, ideals, and goals, conveying one’s passion and motivation, so that customers can recognize themselves in those same values and become direct supporters and promoters.

What advice do you suggest to employees to maximize the value of the training received and maintain continuous learning over time?

We suggest our team to gather every piece of information acquired during the training and transfer it automatically into practical and daily activities. In doing this, it is essential to reconsider and analyze their work, questioning their approach to the customer, and adapting their soft skills to emerging needs. We are aware that a customer-focused approach may contrast with the system of technological processes that speed up daily activities, but we are equally confident that a right mix can be achieved, allowing a tailor-made approach while preserving process efficiency. The hope is that our team, already highly cohesive and motivated, can face this path to continuously refine their skills, making their growth path more solid, both professionally and personally.

What is the ‘most difficult’ transversal skill to train and why?

We believe that communication skills, empathy, active listening, and cultural adaptability are the most challenging transversal skills to train, as they allow structuring the relationship with the customer based on the customer themselves, through the analysis of objective elements that contribute to a precise response corresponding to the interlocutor’s needs, whether they are European or from other continents, hoteliers or travelers. Each team member must adapt to personalize the relationship-building process, and in this, our collaborators must be ready to question and rebuild their sales strategy to ensure an increasingly personalized and flexible approach.

BeSafe Group also stands out as an Insurtech company, making it necessary to train Digital Mindset skills, constantly approaching new technologies and managing them. Using digital tools allows knowing consumers’ habits precisely, through social media management, effectively utilizing their full potential, and conducting targeted market research from a positioning and marketing perspective. These tools must be used as a metric of differentiation from the competition, guiding the company to always place the customer at the center through a targeted strategy and constant team engagement.

This article has been originally published by Mylia_
